What’s Inside the Pilates Suspension Method 4.0: Fluidity of Movement eBook:
*53 All-New Pilates Rooted Exercises on the Suspension Apparatus
*Step-by-Step Pictures to easily learn
*Exercise preps and variations (when appropriate) to teach to a wider range of clients
*The Strap Length, Starting Position, Exercise Movements, Exercise Focus, Pilates Root, and Suggested
Reps is stated for every exercise
*Beginner Level Workout at the end of the book to put together a well-rounded Pilates Suspension
Method 4.0 routine
*More Pilates Suspension Method Exercises to add to your Pilates practice
*Ebook is in COLOR and the Paperback book is in BLACK and WHITE
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- on the “Order Received” page at checkout, under the product name.
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